what foods can i eat to help with hot flashes

When it comes to our hormones, it'south pretty much a lifelong balancing act keeping them at optimum levels so that all our bodily processes can office equally normal. It's no secret that shifting hormones can wreak all sorts of havoc during puberty, but walking this precarious tightrope can become peculiarly challenging as we become older and our hormones become ever more volatile, peculiarly during stages such as pregnancy and the menopause.

If yous're currently going through the menopause, the feeling of a hot flash will be all too familiar – a sudden and overwhelming surge of unrelenting heat engulfing your body, making you feel like y'all're a furnace in human class; throw sweating, palpitations and a flushed face into the mix and you're guaranteed to be feeling a hot mess. But what exactly happens to become the states then heated?

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With great power comes dandy responsibility, and hormones certainly are no exception to this rule – without them, our body would break down; they literally tell information technology how to breathe, grow, drink, consume, and and so much more than. In addition to developing female sexual characteristics, the hormone estrogen is besides responsible for regulating body temperature and maintaining steady blood flow. And so as nosotros approach the menopause, a decline in estrogen and other sexual activity hormone levels throws these processes off remainder, thereby triggering those furious flashes.

At times, hormones get an excessively bad rep for being the cause of undesired changes during the menopause such as weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, and those pesky hot flashes. While it's like shooting fish in a barrel to blame them for these far-from-platonic fluxes, oft, our lifestyle habits play a leading office in the intensity of our menopausal symptoms. Everything from the amount of exercise we do (or don't exercise), to the nutrient we put on our plates ultimately impacts the frequency and severity of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

To eat or not to eat; that is the ultimate question. Read on to find the answers yous're looking for.

What foods should I swallow to convalesce hot flashes?

Ultimately, eating a healthy, nutritious, and well-balanced diet is fundamental to keeping those fuming flashes in check, but what does that look similar, exactly? Well, experts all agree that post-obit a traditional Mediterranean diet that is rich in a wide range of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats is the fashion forrad for long-term success in handling your hot flashes.

More specifically, these foods are the about valuable players in the hormone-balancing game:

  • Foods high in antioxidants like dark leafy greens like spinach, kale and broccoli, and colorful fruits and vegetables similar berries, bell peppers, eggplants, mangos, carrots, and the similar help foreclose chemical changes to estrogen because of their loftier vitamin content.
  • Fatty fish similar salmon, mackerel and anchovies are an first-class source of essential omega-3 fat acid, which helps to keep your claret pressure in check.
  • Cooling foods help to regulate the trunk's core temperature and continue your hot flashes at bay, so information technology's worth loading up on water-based foods like cucumber, watermelon, coconut, apples, bananas, papaya, basil, and green tea. As a bonus, these foods likewise have a wealth of disease-fighting backdrop, and then it's a win-win.
  • While on the topic of water-based foods, it's super of import that you too drink plenty of h2o if you ofttimes experience hot flashes, every bit the last thing you want is to get dehydrated.  On the plus side, not merely will drinking h2o help to keep your weight in check, but it will also help your torso to absorb the nutrients from your nutrient and affluent out any lingering toxins.
  • There is testify to support that legumes like soybeans, chickpeas, and fava beans tin can assistance control hot flashes, all cheers to their high isoflavone content, which basically mimics the estrogen in our bodies and thereby helps to rest out hormone levels.

What foods should I avoid?

As much as nosotros would like to tell you that eating the right foods is sufficient to pipe down those temperamental hot flashes, unfortunately, it'south all fruitless if you aren't eliminating or limiting your intake of certain other foods.

Y'all may want to skim past the following food items on your next trip to the grocery store:

  • It'southward not rocket science that hot, spicy foods are probable to trigger a hot flash, especially if you're not used to eating them. So you lot'll likely desire to steer clear of any culprits that will have you working up a sweat, like jalapenos, green chillies, and cayenne peppers.
  • Booze and caffeine are notorious for triggering hot flashes; of class, if consumed in moderation, they probably won't worsen your symptoms but as well much nigh definitely volition. What's more, they could likewise disrupt your slumber, which is the last thing you need if you're already suffering from night sweats.
  • We'll have you know that not all fats are created equal. While good for you fats from fish, basics and seeds are good, other fat-laden foods from fast and fried foods are extremely bad and should not be eaten excessively.
  • Foods with added sugar and processed carbs are known to raise blood sugar levels chop-chop; coincidentally, the rate of hot flashes is likewise higher in women who are diabetic. Then, as difficult as it may be, information technology's a good thought to cut out things like white bread, crackers, and broiled goods – you'll thank yourself later.
  • Meat and dairy are a contested category; while some experts claim that women in places like Nihon, whose diet is much lower in animal products, rarely complained of menopausal symptoms, others fence that eating dairy and animal protein can decrease the run a risk of early menopause and its associated symptoms. As a rule of pollex, we propose consuming such foods in moderation, because y'all can't go wrong with striking a happy medium.

Is at that place anything else I tin can do to help with hot flashes?

Other than having your diet upwards to snuff, there are other measures you should implement to stay healthy as you age and expect and experience your best:

  • Keep fit to fight the flash: As counterintuitive as it may sound, regular practise and strength training actually helps to reduce the body'south cadre temperature past improving blood flow and sensitivity to sweating, thereby helping to minimize the frequency of hot flashes. Every bit a bonus, such activity can also help to preserve bone health and maintain a salubrious weight.
  • Give yoga a go: Over the years, many women take attested to the benefits of yoga and meditation in alleviating the undesirable furnishings of menopause including hot flashes, insomnia, and depression.
  • Ditch the cigs: Women who fume cigarettes have a higher rate and frequency of intense hot flashes, as compared to their non-smoking counterparts, probably because the chemicals in cigarettes lower estrogen levels – as good a reason as any to kick the habit for practiced.
  • Be prepared: Dressing in layers is the smart thing to do, so when a hot flash strikes, you're primed to remove items of clothing as it suits y'all. Also, you could likewise carry a portable fan with you to cool you down during a fiery episode of a wink.

You'll exist surprised how uncomplicated changes to your nutrition and lifestyle can work wonders for lightening the heavy load of menopause. If your hot flashes are preventing yous from living your best life, watching what you eat could be the primal to improve the frequency and severity of your symptoms. Go alee, give it a try and come across how it can brand your time living with the menopause more bearable.


  1. National Institute on Aging 2017, Hot Flashes: What can I do?, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, viewed vth Baronial https://world wide web.nia.nih.gov/health/hot-flashes-what-can-i-do
  2. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 2020, A Natural Arroyo to Menopause, viewed ivth August 2020 https://world wide web.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/a-natural-approach-to-menopause

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Source: https://www.medzino.com/us/health-center/what-foods-help-hot-flashes/

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